PTSA Job Descriptions

PTSA Job Descriptions



The President is the face of the PTSA, both to the parents and the state and national PTA.

Direct duties:

Lead the PTSA toward the specific goals approved by the membership Set the agenda for all PTSA meetings Plan and lead monthly Board of Directors meetings and three General Membership meetings Be aware of and utilize resources from Lake Washington School District (LWSD) PTSA Council, State PTSA, and National PTSA Review and update Standing Rules as needed Complete Standards of Affiliation Agreement each year Sign all binding agreements with third-party vendors and outside contractors Attend monthly LWSD PTSA Council meetings or send a delegate in his/her place Invite delegates to attend PTSA Founder's Day Luncheon Meet monthly with the principal Work to create and maintain the annual budget Be aware of key dates, deadlines, and priorities for the school and PTSA. Disseminate and communicate all information received that is pertinent to PTSA programs Monitor and provide assistance to various committees Work with the current and incoming Board of Directors to create a PTSA event schedule for the following year

Vice President

Vice President:

Acts as an aide to the President and assumes duties as directed by the President

Direct duties:

Preside at PTSA meetings when the president is unavailable

Attend monthly Board Meetings and General Membership meetings Work on any special projects as needed Monitor and provide assistance to various committees



Responsible for the financial operations of the PTSA

Direct duties:

Follow all 5013c laws to maintain full and accurate accounting records

Utilize financial software to keep records Maintain a copy of the PTSA's legal documents in the Treasurer's Legal Binder Handle all deposits and disbursements of PTSA funds Prepare monthly reconciliation of the checking account Submit a written statement of all funds and activity at Board and General Membership meetings Present a proposed annual operating budget for approval at the Spring General Meeting Close the books at the end of each fiscal year Ensure that tax returns and other federal and state compliance forms are accurately and timely filed by accountant Help facilitate the financial review of books and records twice a year Notify the President and Board of Directors of any fraudulent activity, financial concerns or budget carry-overs resulting in a significant budget surplus or reserve Attend monthly Board Meetings and General Membership meetings



Responsible for taking minutes and ensuring that PTSA is operating in accordance with PTSA bylaws

Direct duties:

Work with Board of Directors to set the Board and General Membership meeting schedule for the year Complete building use request forms at the beginning of each year to reserve school space for meetings Collect agenda items from Executive Board prior to Board Meetings, prepare agenda and distribute to Board, Principal(s) and teacher reps along with minutes of previous meetings for review Prepare copies of agenda, prior meeting minutes any other handouts for Board and General Membership meetings Collect signatures and maintain attendance records of Board and General Membership meetings Attend monthly Board Meetings and General Membership meetings Accurately record and publish the minutes of Board and General Membership meetings Maintain all meeting records in hard copy and online in the PTSA's OneDrive account Maintain all of the PTSA's legal documents in hard copy in the Secretary's Legal Binders according to the WSPTA Records Retention Requirements Monitor and maintain a list of the training classes the Board of Directors attends throughout the year to meet the WSPTA training requirement

Request a printout of PTSA members from the Membership Chair to include in annual PTSA records and legal binder

VP Communications

VP Communications:

Responsible for managing communication between the PTSA, parents, and staff, including all electronic archival and website maintenance

Direct duties:

Responsible for PTSAs overall Communication Strategy - how, when, who, what Oversee newsletter Website, Bulletin Board, and Social Media Ensure the weekly newsletter content collection, draft review, and distribution process is managed Ensure occasional email blasts for important reminders and promotions are distributed Closely monitor the PTSA calendar of events Ensure web administrative duties, including maintaining current and relevant content on the PTSA website are completed Maintain the domain and all email/mail groups under and teams Assist with evaluation of possible new PTSA-funded software purchases Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings Post regular weekly updates and maintain the Wilder PTSA Facebook page

VP Events

VP Events:

Responsible for overseeing and coordinating annual school-wide family events

Direct duties:

Work with President to set the event schedule for the year Coordinate and manage each PTSA family event with event chair (e.g. Carnival, International Night, Movie Night, Science Fair, Art Night and Dance Night) Manage event expenses within the allotted budget Coordinate with chairs to order and organize supplies and materials prior to events Advertise events by creating flyers, posters, and announcement for inclusion in newsletter Identify and contact vendors as needed Recruit and manage volunteers for set up, clean up and staffing during each event Complete building use request forms at the beginning of the year to reserve school space for events Assist as needed with school-led family events (Math Night) Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings

VP Ways and Means

VP Ways and Means:

Responsible for raising funds needed to sustain the annual operating budget

Direct duties:

Manage all fundraising activities for the PTSA including Wilder About Giving, Fun Run, Box Tops, Amazon Smile, and other community partnerships Research and evaluate new fundraising opportunities Maintain communication with local employers who provide matching funds donations Manage fundraising event expenses within the allotted budget Order and organize supplies and materials prior to fundraising events Advertise fundraising events by creating flyers, posters and announcement for inclusion in newsletter Identify and contact vendors as needed for fundraising events Recruit and manage volunteers for set up, clean up and staffing during fundraising events Complete building use request forms at the beginning of the year to reserve school space for events Send out donation acknowledgment letters to donors Publish fundraising results to the school community Help create yearly PTSA budget Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings

VP Volunteers

VP Volunteers:

Responsible for recruiting and connecting parent and community volunteers with various volunteer opportunities.

Direct duties:

Maintain a database of PTSA volunteers from the volunteer opportunities form and classroom signups Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings

Monitor LWSD background checks regularly throughout the year and communicates this with volunteers and board and chair members as needed Connect volunteers with Board Members and committee chairs Be available to meet volunteers in-person to provide more volunteer information Advertise volunteer opportunities and recruit additional volunteers to support PTSA programs as needed Be present at various PTSA events to provide parents with information about volunteering Work with other board members and teachers to spotlight outstanding volunteers Research and evaluate new ways to recruit and keep volunteers active Identify alternate volunteer resources such as special interest or community groups

VP Before-School Activities

VP Before/After School Activities:

Responsible for planning, coordinating and overseeing before and after school activities for students.

Direct duties:

Research relevant before/after school activities Contact vendors, negotiate pricing and have President sign contracts Complete building use request forms as soon as possible to reserve school space for classes Prepare and distribute registration materials Monitor, test and update online student registration tool Manage online registration system Recruit and coordinate parent chaperones Coordinate with Treasurer to pay vendors and keep track of student activity finances Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings

VP During-School Activities

VP During-School Activities:

Responsible for coordinating and overseeing during-school activities for students.

Direct duties:

Attend monthly board meetings and General Membership meetings

Manage Math Adventures, Watershed, Art Docent, Reflections, Traveling Art Museum, Assemblies, Salmon Program, Marathon Club and Sustainability.

Create sign-ups for curriculum night for people to help volunteer for Math, Watershed and Art.

President Chairs

President Chairs

Open House - Coordinate back-to-school packets and distribution, organize Open House layout and set up tables.

Emergency Prep - Ensure that Wilder is prepared in the event of an emergency. The coordinator is tasked with organizing, taking inventory, maintaining and/or replenishing the emergency supplies. Attendance at the Emergency Preparedness meetings at Lake Washington PTSA Council is also encouraged.

Student Council and WolfPack - Work with Student Council liaison and School Counselor to coordinate donation drives with the school.

Awards Committee - Distribute nomination forms for Volunteer Awards to parents and teachers. Review list of the top nominated candidates to select final award winners. Summarize a list of award recipients to receive recognition at the Volunteer Appreciation event, prepare talking points on each winner, prepare award certificates, order the state awards and engraved name plaques.

Nominating Committee - This committee is comprised of two PTSA members and one staff member elected by the PTSA general membership in January. The committee identifies, recruits and nominates qualified candidates for each elected PTSA position, by holding confidential meetings and reviewing nominations. The committee is also tasked with trying to find volunteers to hold the various chair positions needed to run PTSA sponsored programs.

Treasurer Chairs

Treasurer Chairs

Assistant Treasurer - Collaborate with the Treasurer in their various functions, including receiving, counting money and depositing all funds collected by the PTSA. Forward deposit receipts and other paperwork to the Treasurer for formal recording and filing.

Birthday Books - Coordinate with librarian to sell Birthday Books and inform parents of process.

Budget Committee - Meet in the spring to formulate the budget for the next school year.

Secretary Chairs

Secretary Chairs

Membership - Responsible for encouraging PTSA membership and maintaining the membership database. Encourage parents and staff to join the PTSA by raising awareness of the benefits of PTSA membership. Track and keep accurate records of PTSA membership. Be present at various PTSA events to provide parents with information about PTSA membership. Advertise General Membership meetings through newsletter, posters and flyers.

Student Directory - Collect information from LWSD for the student directory. Update website with information and publish directory.

VP of Communication Chairs

VP of Communication Chairs

Teams Manager - Update PTSA teams emails for board members and manage groups.

Webmaster - Manage PTSA website and update information.

Newsletter Editor - Assist with weekly newsletter content collection, draft review, and distribution process.

Facebook - Provide regular weekly updates and maintain the PTSA Facebook page, and other social media outlets as needed. Be available to answer any questions.

VP Ways and Means Chairs

VP Ways and Means Chairs

Wilder About Giving - Assist with Wilder About Giving campaign. Communicate campaign with parents, set ask, find vendor and product to give and assist with product distribution.

Book fair - Coordinate with vendor and librarian to set date for Book Fair. Submit building use request form. Communicate with parents and students about book fair. Set up, recruit volunteers to staff shifts and sell books.

School Pictures - Coordinate with vendor to set up School Picture Day. Submit contract to President for signature and submit building use request form. Recruit volunteers to assist on picture day.

Yearbook - Select and negotiate contract with Yearbook vendor. Submit contract to President for signature. Take and collect pictures of school events. Coordinate individual and class photos, oversees yearbook production and distribution.

Box Tops - Manage the Box Tops for Education collection activities. Responsibilities include promoting box tops and encouraging parents to sign up online to submit box tops.

Affinity Programs - Manage and seek out new affinity programs to raise money for the school.

Grant writer - Find creative sources of funding to obtain supplies, support programs and staff needs by researching and identifying grant opportunities. Responsibilities include discussing funding needs with relevant parties, researching available grants and facilitating the grant application process.

VP Community Events Chairs

VP Community Events Chairs

Fall Carnival - Plan and execute the fall carnival. Secure contracts for venders in the spring. Recruit volunteers to participate and run event. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

Movie Night - Plan and execute the annual school-wide movie night. Select movie options, get approval, poll students, recruit volunteers to help and oversee logistics on the day of the event. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

Science Fair/Stem Night - Plan and execute the Science Fair around a chosen theme. Promote event, secure vendors, collect projects and secure judges and volunteers. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

International Night - Recruit families to set up tables to highlight their culture through pictures, dress, food, games, etc. Find performers to further highlight the represented cultures, enlist volunteers to help with set up and clean up, and general facilitation to make this popular event a success. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

Art Night - Plan and execute the art night. Coordinate with teachers to plan art projects and recruit volunteers to help with the evening. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

Spring Dance - Plan and execute the annual school-wide dance night. Plan theme, recruit volunteers to help and overseeing logistics on the day of the event. Advertise evening with flyers and announcements in the newsletter and Facebook.

Bulletin Board - Create interesting, kid friendly and informative bulletin boards in coordination with the PTSA and school office staff. Depending on the month and the activities going, the board may be changed every 2-4 weeks to represent current happenings.

Photobooth - Set up polaroid photo booth at events and take photos of participants.

VP of Volunteers Chairs

VP of Volunteers Chairs

Staff Appreciation - Plan and organize monthly staff appreciation events. Stock and maintain baskets in the staff lounge and restrooms.

School Beautification - Plant flowers in front pots. Coordinate work parties to beautify the flower beds around the school.

Welcome Committee - Attend Kindergarten registration to welcome Kindergarten families. Coordinate with front office to collect names of new families. Invite families to summer playdates, send them new family information and conduct tours at the school to show new families around.

Vision and Hearing Screening - Liaison between the school nurse and parent volunteers to run the annual school vision/hearing test. Responsibilities include recruiting and contacting volunteers prior to testing to confirm their availability. Supervise and facilitate vision and hearing testing on the day of and coordinate snacks for test volunteers.

WatchDog - Invite dads, uncles, and grandpas to volunteer at the school. Promote program with Donuts for Dads and pizza night. Coordinate with school WatchDog representative to schedule volunteer time.

5th Grade Celebration - Plan and execute 5th Grade Survivor Celebration at the park. Coordinate with teachers to recruit volunteers, drivers and groups. Run stations and coordinate the purchase and serving of lunch.

Popcorn Fridays - Plan monthly popcorn Fridays. Recruit volunteers to pop popcorn and pass it out to students at lunch recess.

VP After-School Enrichment

VP After-School Enrichment

Theater - Plan and execute the annual school-wide play. Set up contract with vendor, select play and recruit students for performances. Manage all aspects of practices and sets, advertise event, recruit volunteers to help and oversee logistics on the day of the event.

VP During School Enrichment

VP During School Enrichment

Math Adventures - Coordinate and manage the school level math challenge. This includes working with the math challenge company, ensure the website is up to date, advertise each challenge, and coordinate the grading of the challenges.

Watershed - Collect permissions forms, contact volunteers, provide training and coordinate student watershed visits. Manage watershed supplies and purchase any new items needed each year.

Art Docent Lead - Recruit volunteers and coordinate art docent and clay training.

Art Purchaser - Coordinate with front office staff to purchase needed art supplies.

Art Calendar - Manage art calendar and use of the PTSA portable.

Reflections - Attend training meeting. Inform students and teachers about the program, collect submissions, submit submissions to council and hold an open house for viewing the submissions.

Monthly Art Challenge - Set up monthly art challenge. Advertise program and recruit students to participate. Display art at the school.

Traveling Art Museum - Schedule Museum visit and coordinate delivery to school. Set up display and train docents on art presentations and coordinate classroom visits.

Assemblies - Coordinate with the principal to schedule assemblies for the school.

Salmon Program - Order salmon, recruit volunteers to feed salmon and coordinate with kindergarten and 3rd graders to care for and release salmon.

Marathon Club - Advertise marathon club program, recruit volunteers to help count laps and post runners laps on board.

Sustainability - Initiate sustainability projects in coordination with the school and district.

This page was last updated on March 28, 2021.