Enrichment Volunteer Chaperone Information

Enrichment Volunteer Chaperone Information

Volunteer Chaperones

PTSA Volunteer chaperones are required for before/after school enrichment classes to occur. Our goal is to have 2 volunteer chaperones per class and at least 1 volunteer chaperone is required to run a class. We offer one reserved spot to the volunteer chaperone's child and a reduced class price (50% each for 2 volunteers, 100% for 1 volunteer).

PTSA Volunteer Chaperones should meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be over the age of 18
  2. Must have paid for a PTSA membership. Join at https://wilderptsa.net/store/
  3. Must have a LWSD volunteer approved application on file with the district. Apply on the LWSD website. It could take up to two up to two weeks for approval


Here are the responsibilities for PTSA Volunteer Chaperones:

  1. Ensure that a chaperone will be present for each class.
  2. Find a district approved volunteer to substitute if they cannot attend a class. Please send the substitute’s name and contact information to [email protected] at least a day in advance of the scheduled class. If no substitute can be found please notify us at [email protected] and we will cancel class.
  3. Arrive at the enrichment class location at least 10-15min prior to the beginning of class. Check in at the front office first.
  4. Use the labeled class folder to take attendance at the start of class and sign-out students at pickup. Parent/guardian contact information can also be found in the class folder. The class folder can be found in the front office.
  5. Monitor students during the transition from the end of school to the start of class. Snacks are allowed in the classroom during this time.
  6. If a student needs a snack or a bathroom break during the class, escort them outside and back to the class when they are done.
  7. Stay until all students have been signed-out by a parent/guardian. Only release students to a parent/guardian unless alternative plans have been communicated. Students in grades 3-5 can walk or ride their bikes home, but only if parents/guardian has communicated this in advance.
  8. If a student is absent without prior notification from the parent/guardian, check the front office to see if they were absent for the school day. If the student was at school, call the parent/guardian (and leave a message if no-response) to let them know that their student is absent from class.
  9. If a student has not been picked up by 10 minutes after class, try contacting their parent/guardian. As a last resort and if no parent/guardian can be reached after 30 minutes, contact the Police for assistance. If a parent/guardian is continuously late picking up a child, please let us know at [email protected].
  10. In case of an emergency, call emergency responders and the parent/guardians.

Other Notes

  1. Please do not use any school/classroom property. This includes netbooks, physical books, stationary, toys, project work, displays.
  2. Building rules are still in effect after hours (no running in the halls, etc.). Please let us know of any frequent student behavior problems by emailing [email protected]. Please do not share frequent behavior concerns directly with the parent/guardian.
  3. Siblings of the Volunteer Chaperone’s student are allowed provided that they do not disrupt or participate in the class. Bring a book, a laptop or no-noise toys to occupy their attention.
  4. Volunteers receive discounted tuition in exchange for chaperoning all classes in a session. If the volunteer does not fulfill their commitment as enrichment chaperone, they will be responsible to repay the tuition for their child’s enrichment class.

This page was last updated on February 29, 2024