Wilder Wolf Call Newsletter / May 6

Please help us to congratulate the following PTSA members for being recognized as outstanding volunteers: Chad Lux, received the Golden Acorn award for his commitment to the school and community. Gabrielle Statkus, Kendra Bohm and Wendy Hofeling received the Silver Wolf Award for their years of volunteering with the school and the PTSA.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making Wilder a positive environment! You all help make Wilder an outstanding Elementary school for our kids and we really appreciate your time and commitment!
The Awards Committee
Reminder that the Timberline PTSA meeting is next Tuesday, May 7th!
Timberline PTSA Charter Meeting
Tuesday May 7th, 6:30-8:30pm in the Ella Baker Elementary Commons
Please plan to attend this important meeting where, with the support of our community, the Timberline Middle School PTSA will be formed! There will be the opportunity to join the PTSA as a Charter Member, adopt the Standing Rules, vote in the Board of Directors, and approve the initial budget. The proposed Standing Rules are available for review here: STANDING RULES The membership form and proposed budget will be posted soon.
Unable to attend the Timberline PTSA meeting?
If you are unable to attend this meeting but would still like to support Timberline as a Charter PTSA member, please complete this form and return the form and your charter dues to either the Ella Baker front office or the Wilder front office by May 10th. Charter memberships can not be accepted after May 10th!
Join the Timberline PTSA Board!
Volunteering to serve on the Board of Directors of the Timberline PTSA is an exciting and rewarding opportunity. Help our students have a great first year at their new school! No experience is necessary and training will be provided. Please take a moment to read through the PTSA Job Descriptions and if you have any questions about the roles or are interested in volunteering for any of these positions, please email Mindy Lincicome, LWPTSA Council President.
Check out the Timberline Newsletter:

In celebration of Staff Appreciation Week (May 6-10), please recognize our awesome staff with the following:
Monday, May 6: Wear his/ her favorite color
Tuesday, May 7: Bring a favorite snack
Wednesday, May 8: Bring a school supply
Thursday, May 9: Bring a favorite drink
Friday, May 10: Write a Thank You note
Find all the staff favorite things here: https://wilderptsa.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Staff-Favorites_2018-2019.pdf

Wilder Artists we have landed in our last country – beautiful Mexico to learn all about Diego Rivera and his murals! The last Art Challenge will last only 2 weeks so get studying! We are creating a mural at school (see photo) so the Challenge is to complete the quiz about our artist and turn it in to the office by next Friday, 5/10. It’s your last opportunity to learn about a great artist and possibly earn a prize!’

Thanks to all of the students who attempted Math Challenge #14 – lots of great problems focused on birthdays!
The winners were….
K-Carlin: Zoey Kahler |
1-Johnson: Jack Bunyard 2-Acers: Martina Mueller-Eberstein |
3-Rouse: AJ Weller 5-Neibauer: Sophia Beyreis |
Congratulations to all of them – they can stop by for a prize at the office this week.
Solutions for the Math Challenges are posted on our web page – MC14 solutions will be posted on May 10th.
We’ll be tackling Math Challenge #15 as the last one for the school year – look for it online on May 10th.

This is the LAST WEEK for Marathon Club. Encourage your child to RUN by joining us out on the field. We have a bunch of students that are finishing this week. Let’s encourage them to FINISH!!! If your child isn’t close to finishing, still encourage them to run. For every card your child completes, they will receive a charm at the end of the school year.
We still need volunteers! Please sign up and come on out to the field and help us out.
– Marathon Chairs

Wilder Art Night and Auction is coming up on Thursday, May 9th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm. This is a fun evening full of art! Every student at Wilder will have an art piece on display. There will be interactive art projects going on throughout the school as well as amazing displays in every hallway. And of course, our annual auction will be held this evening, too. We will be auctioning off beautiful collaborative pieces of artwork from every classroom – come and see what YOUR student helped to create and maybe even take it home with you that night!
This is a fun evening for the ENTIRE family! If you are interested in helping out at Art Night, please email [email protected].
Art Night can not happen without the help of our amazing volunteers. Please sign up if you are able to help. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/20f0c4ea4ac28a46-artnight1

More than 200 schools and 12 school districts that have received assistance from the King County Green School Program, improved their conservation practices, involved students in conservation and outreach efforts, and received recognition! The program mission is to:
- Initiate and expand waste reduction and recycling practices and other conservation actions.
- Involve the whole school community in environmental stewardship.
- Operate environmentally efficient and responsible facilities.
- Involve Students learn about Conservation, take action, and develop leadership skills.
- Receive State and Federal Recognition.
Wilder Elementary recently enrolled in the Green School Program. Please stay tuned for more information!
The Green School program is sponsored by King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Solid Waste Division.

We are working on filling some positions for this year and next. Please email Whitney Seamons or Courtney Rogers if you are interested in learning more about the following positions:
– Co-Chair Salmon Program
– 2 Open House Co-Chairs
– 2 Popcorn Friday Co-Chairs
– Reflections Co-Chair
– Traveling Art Museum Co-Chair
– Beautification Chair

The Wilder WatchDOGS program is off to a great start with Dads signing up for their special WatchDOGS days already! This is a great opportunity for Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, or any Father-figures who would like to volunteer at Wilder and help keep our school safe.
Check out the PTSA website for specific information on the program.
Sign up for your WatchDOGS date TODAY here!
Email Leslie Wolfe with any questions!