Diversity, Equity & Inclusion @ Wilder Elementary



Equity &



  • Promote best practices that will benefit *ALL* the students in Wilder and LWSD.
  • Use of informed communication between district administration, staff and parents to raise the awareness of District's current and future plans, available resources about research-based best practices that benefit *ALL* students, including those receiving special education services
    and 504 accommodations.
  • Warrant the protection of the civil rights of students with disabilities, those receiving special education services and 504 accommodations to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.


  • Connect parents, staff and administrators to promote the best practices and services for *ALL* of our community's students including those receiving special education services and 504 accommodations.
  • Maximize parent involvement by creating opportunities for parents to get to know each other, exchange information, provide education and share opportunities for advocacy.


  • Educate parents and other community members about the available supports and resources they need to advocate for equity and meaningful inclusion for *ALL* students including those receiving special education services and 504 accommodations.
  • Educate parents about their legal rights and the rights of their children as presented through the ADA, IDEA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.